Services Price List
Initial Visit: $105.00
Report of Findings: $60.00
Adjustment: $50.00
Reassessment: $60.00
Reactivation: $85.00
Orthotic Insert Fitting: $400.00
Concussion Screening: $60
***Please note that these treatments are billable to private health insurance plans under chiropractic services***
Laser Therapy:
Laser treatment: $70
Laser treatment extended: $85
***Please note that these treatments are billable to private health insurance plans under chiropractic services***
Massage Therapy:
Adam Yaremy, RMT
30-minute massage: $60.44 + tax = $69.50
45-minute massage: $70.44+ tax = $81.00
60-minute massage: $90.87 + tax = $104.50
90- minute massage: $133.92 + tax = $154.00
***Please note that these treatments are billable to private health insurance plans under massage therapy services***
Mental Health Counselling:
Adam Matthews, MSW
Initial consultation: $195.00
Subsequent consultation: $195.00
Christie MacInnis, MSW
(Currently not accepting new clients)
Initial consultation: $175.00
Subsequent consultation: $175.00
***Please note that these treatments are billable to private health insurance plans under social worker services***
Kelly Bernard :
Holistic Nutrition Initial Assessment: $90 + tax = $103.50
Holistic Nutrition Follow-Up: $75.00 + tax = $86.25
Reflexology 60 minute: $60 + tax = $69.00
Reflexology 30 minute: $35 + tax = $40.25
Reiki 60 minute: $60 + tax = 69.00
Reiki 30 minute: $35 + tax = 40.25
***Please note these treatments are not billable to private health insurance plans***
Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Emily LeBlanc, ND
Initial assessment: $235.00
Follow-up assessment: $125.00
***Please note that these treatments are billable to private health insurance plans under naturopathic services***
Stress Management
Janet MacDonald, BScN, RN
Stress Management Initial: $100.00
Stress Management Subsequent: $100.00
***Please note that we do not direct bill for these services. Consult your private health insurance provider to find out if you are eligible for reimbursement of these services. ***